1. If you're focused on "winning", maybe pick another sport.

Most scoring systems in sport are based on objectivity whereas bodybuilding relies heavily on subjective scoring. This brings personal preference, feelings and opinions into play and causes results to be a little less clear cut compared to other, more traditional sports. 

This isn't a problem or a complaint, it's simply the way our sport works so for those who want to sign up to play you should probably spend more time focusing on bettering yourself and standing on stage with your best package (yet)!


2. Remember, you chose this.

Prepping for a show is extremely hard work but it's also a hobby.

There are hungrier and more exhausted people in the world that aren't in this position out of choice and they definitely don't have the same "light at the end of the tunnel" feeling you have either.

Yes, we know it's hard, but it's a choice and the fact you can choose to do this or not puts you in a much more fortunate position than many others - don't forget that.


3. Hang out with non gym people

It's very easy to get caught up in the whole fitfam movement so spending time with people who couldn't care less about the gym or what we do in it can be very refreshing.

Not only will it remind you to better yourself as a person, not just at posing - it'll also help you relax and take your mind off the gym for a minute! 


4. Look good for 10 minutes

When your standing on stage, no one cares about how much strength you lost during your prep or what you looked like 10 weeks out. So stop stressing about factors you're not getting judged on and start stressing over the ones you are. 

If you haven't started posing practice yet then we highly recommend you do (and we highly recommend you see Deb @ Strike A Pose ) and you might also want to start considering your tan, make up and clothing as these all add to the very small window of time that counts.



5. Invest your energy wisely

Energy is a limited resource so don't waste it!

Doubting yourself and listening to the detractors only leeches vital energy thats better saved for helping you survive squat AMRAP's and watching your loved ones eat burgers. 

Let your coach worry about the semantics and you just focus on doing what's needed as well as you can!

