Looking Back

New years resolutions tend to fail because they never seem to coincide with the way we actually live our lives. This is why it's important we study our pasts so we can move forward and better define our futures.

Lets reflect by answering some questions on your 2014...

  1. What made you happy?
  2. What made you sad?
  3. What did you accomplish?
  4. What held you back?
  5. What were you proud of?
  6. What mistakes did you make?
  7. What was new?
  8. What was old?
  9. What inspired you?
  10. What discouraged you?
  11. What did you learn?
  12. What did you teach?
  13. What are you sick of?
  14. What do you miss?
  15. What has changed?
  16. What would you change?
  17. What have you gained?
  18. What have you lost?
  19. When were you brave?
  20. When were you scared?

Now, lets plan

Your answers to the questions above will hopefully unlock some meaningful goals leading into 2015, but these goals are nothing but dreams unless you can come up with a plan on how you're going to achieve them.

Instead of saying your going to lose weight, plan to exercise twice a week and stop eating fast food. Instead of saying your going to run a marathon, plan a weekly running schedule that tapers you up to a particular date. Get my drift? (If not, read this - it's awesome).

Time For Success

Now that you have reflected on the year thats been, come up with some clear goals and plans on how your going to achieve them, your ready to celebrate! 

Have a great New Year!

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